SEJAK 2008
About Us
Toko dan Tukang Cukur Tradisional
Toko dan tukang cukur tradisional adalah tempat di mana keahlian kuno dan keramahan bertemu dalam suasana yang akrab. Di dalam toko ini, Anda akan menemukan aroma maskulin dari minyak wangi klasik dan kesunyian yang hanya diputus oleh panggilan ramah dari tukang cukur yang terampil.

Jam Buka
Senin – Jumat: 8 am – 5pm
Sabtu: 8 am – 1pm
Green Living Residence, Malang

Yang Kami Tawarkan
Potong Rambut Biasa – 15k
Potong Buzz – 18k
Potong rambut buzz cut adalah gaya potongan rambut yang singkat dan praktis, memberikan penampilan yang tegas dan bersih.
Potong Rapi – 15k
Merapikan Jenggot – 15k
Potong Rambut Lurus – 20k
Potong Rambut Panjang – 18k
Potong rambut panjang dapat memberikan tampilan segar dan transformasi yang menyegarkan.
Perawatan Rambut – 25k
Pewarnaan Rambut – 25k
Pewarnaan rambut dapat memberikan sentuhan baru dan menyegarkan tampilan seseorang.
Janji temu

Pesan tempat

Kontribusi Nyata PAFI Kabupaten Barito Kuala Dalam Mengembangkan Kualitas Apoteker
Pendahuluan Persatuan Ahli Farmasi Indonesia (PAFI) adalah organisasi yang memegang peran penting dalam peningkatan kualitas dan kompetensi apoteker di seluruh Indonesia. Salah satu cabang yang aktif dan berkontribusi besar adalah PAFI Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Artikel...
The Allure of Wigs in Singapore: Exploring Hairpieces and Medical Wigs
Introduction Wigs have become a popular hair accessory in wigs Singapore, offering individuals the opportunity to transform their hairstyles, boost confidence, and overcome hair loss challenges. In this article, we will delve into the world of wigs in Singapore, with...
Top 3 everyday make up items in UAE
Makeup is a part of our daily life. Now it has become a part of not only womens but mens daily lifestyle too. A good foundation or serum, a reliable lipstick and mascara is the most natural and easy no-makeup makeup look. What most of us fail to realize is that the...
Why You Should Consider Luvme Hair Afterpay Wigs
Every woman deserves to get a wig she wants anytime she wants it, even when shes short of cash. The only way to make this possible is to patronize a store that has decent financial incentives that let you buy your wigs. Luvme Hair has many finance options, but one...
Achieve Luxurious Locks on a Budget: Embrace Luvme Hair’s Afterpay Wigs
Everyone wants to look their best (obviously), but its not always easy to do on a budget. But wait- Luvme Hair just made luxurious locks achievable without breaking the bank with Afterpay wigs! In fact, it's your lucky day because we'll cover everything you need to...
The Advantage of Using a Projection Alarm Clock
The projection clocks are relatively contemporary, funky and this particular thing is great for fans of Batman. It could be a grand gift for the little kids who dream to be a superhero and a role model like Batman. The clocks are sold in special sizes, paints,...
Trendy Ladies’ Office Dresses for a Sizzling Hot Summer
Office fashion doesn't have to be dull and boring! This Summer Season, open your doors to a more trendy chic and stylish fashion makeover by spicing up your work ensemble with lively, bold prints and edgy dress designs. If you're hard-up for cash, there are some great...
The Definitive Guide to Revamping Old Clothes
They don't need to have this fate. With a bit of skill and inspiration, you can turn the plainest clothes into fashion-forward statements and give them new life. Don't worry if you're not the DIY type or if you don't have a lot of supplies around the house. These...
Benefits of Cremation Jewelry
Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things that a person can experience. Among the flood of emotions, there may be the desire to find ways to keep the deceased nearby. A discreet and reverent way to keep a deceased loved one close to the heart is cremation...

Kirim Sebuah Pesan
Datangi Kami
Green Living Residence, Malang
Hubungi Kami
+62 882-0099-41543
Jam Buka
Senin – Jumat: 8 am – 5pm
Sabtu: 8 am – 1pm